盐在显微镜下是什么样子的? (有图片)

Harry Flores 31-05-2023
Harry Flores

最近,社交媒体上分享了电子显微镜下的盐的照片。 由于这些照片展示了完美的立方体标本,这些照片受到了很多怀疑和不相信。

即便如此,这些照片也是真实的。 当放置在电子显微镜下时,盐看起来就像《Minecraft》中的东西--像小方块一样 向下滚动以了解更多关于盐在显微镜下的样子。

See_also: 澳大利亚的10种黑鸟(含图片)。


图片来源:Mohammed_Al_Ali, Shutterstock

在肉眼看来,盐并不像什么,最多就是像海边的小石子或沙子。 如果你仔细观察盐,显微镜下就会发现盐的确切面貌。

精细的食盐看起来就像一个立方体。 事实上,用电子显微镜观察时,盐看起来就像游戏《Minecraft》中的积木。

也就是说,从技术上讲,并非所有的盐都像立方体。 如果对粗盐进行检查,它可能看起来参差不齐。 这种不均匀的外观是由于多层结晶的盐铺在上面。 如果你把粗盐磨得很细,它将呈现出立方体的外观。

还需要记住的是,盐在任何显微镜下都不会看起来像一个完美的立方体。 完美的立方体形状是通过电子显微镜看到的,这种显微镜很花哨也很昂贵。 像放大镜这样的东西不会产生同样的效果,因为它的威力不足以达到播种完美立方体所需的放大水平。


大多数人在得知精细的食盐在显微镜下看起来像立方体时感到震惊。 然而,盐的性质解释了为什么盐会呈现出它的形状。 盐是由分子组成的,这些分子以晶体形式结合在一起。 由于盐的原子结构,这种结合自然呈现出类似立方体的形状。

再次强调,这种立方体的形状只适用于细食盐,如炸薯条上的盐。 如果你找到粗盐块,它并不总是像立方体。 即便如此,粗盐的结构与细盐相同。 如果你把粗盐块磨得足够细,它将完全像细盐。


图片来源:Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova, Shutterstock

图片来源:David Herraez Calzada, Shutterstock

对肉眼来说,可能很难区分盐和糖。 然而,将这两种物质放在显微镜下就会发现,这些物质看起来非常不同,并采取不同的晶体形式。

盐一般看起来是完美的立方体,而糖则有更多的几何形状。 虽然糖看起来还是立方体,但糖看起来更像六边形的柱子。 这种不同的形状是由于糖和盐之间不同的原子排列。


当你在显微镜下看细盐时,它看起来像立方体或积木。 这种立方体是由于盐的原子结构造成的。 虽然粗盐一开始可能看起来不同,但你可以把它磨碎,使它呈现出这种立方体的形状。

推荐图片来源: Piqsels

See_also: 显微镜下的DNA是什么样子的? (有图片!)

Harry Flores

Harry Flores is a renowned writer and passionate birder who has spent countless hours exploring the world of optics and birdwatching. Growing up on the outskirts of a small town in the Pacific Northwest, Harry developed a deep fascination for the natural world, and this fascination only grew more intense as he started exploring the outdoors on his own.After completing his education, Harry began working for a wildlife conservation organization, which gave him the opportunity to travel far and wide to some of the most remote and exotic locations on the planet to study and document different bird species. It was during these travels that he discovered the art and science of optics, and he was immediately hooked.Since then, Harry has spent years studying and testing various optic equipment, including binoculars, scopes, and cameras, in order to help other birders get the most out of their experiences. His blog, dedicated to all things related to optics and birding, is a treasure trove of information that draws readers from all over the world looking to learn more about these fascinating topics.Thanks to his vast knowledge and expertise, Harry has become a respected voice in the optics and birding community, and his advice and recommendations are widely sought after by beginners and seasoned birders alike. When he's not writing or birdwatching, Harry can usually be foundtinkering with his gear or spending time with his family and pets at home.