日落后你可以狩猎多长时间? 你需要知道的一切

Harry Flores 31-05-2023
Harry Flores

如果你拥有私人财产,你可能会认为你可以狩猎的动物和时间是公平的,但事实并非如此。 所有州都有法律限制你可以狩猎的生物、季节,甚至一天中的时间。 这些限制保护动物种群免受过度狩猎,同时也保护人类在天黑后免遭狩猎事故。 如果你在法律规定的范围之外狩猎动物,这就是猎取大型猎物,如鹿,是一种违法行为,可能会使你被罚款,甚至坐牢。 通常限制在黎明前30分钟至日落后30分钟的时间内 然而,各州的法律有所不同。 继续阅读以了解更多关于日落后狩猎的信息。


在纽约,只允许在日出和日落之间狩猎大型猎物。 一些人对这一规定提出抗议,因为鹿尤其是蹑手蹑脚的,这意味着它们在黄昏时分比在白天或晚上最活跃。 一些人认为,日出到日落的规定限制了它们的生产力,因为拍摄公鹿的最佳时间是上午9点到10点,在这之前由于鹿在一天中往往不那么活跃,因此狩猎速度会放慢。

有些州完全禁止夜间狩猎。 然而,在大多数情况下,你通常可以狩猎野猪和 "害虫",如浣熊和土狼,只是你通常不会收获肉类的动物。 在该国的一些地区,土狼被认为是受保护的物种,所以一定要检查你的州的指导方针,以获得最准确的信息。 其他通常在夜间狩猎的动物包括鳄鱼、青蛙和负鼠。

图片来源:Robert Nyholm, Shutterstock


狩猎季节并不是全国统一的,而是由州内研究当地动物的野生动物生物学家决定的。 狩猎的开放季节是为了避开交配时间而计算的,并可能根据物种的整体数量而改变。 例如,如果物种的数量下降或经历了一个狩猎季节,就可能提前结束。由于环境因素造成的重大困扰。

对一天中特定时间的限制通常更倾向于保护人类。 在天黑后开枪可能会导致悲剧性的错误,例如将另一个猎人与大型猎物混淆。 此外,在夜间开枪可能会混淆当地执法部门,他们在凌晨时分警惕地出去防止犯罪。

图片来源:Melissamn, Shutterstock

See_also: 密歇根州的8种鹰(含图片和信息)。


在一些州,如阿拉巴马州,完全禁止夜视。 其他州有更细微的规定,但可能不会完全禁止使用。 也不是所有的动物在每个州都是合法的。 此外,你可能必须有一个特殊的许可证才能在夜间狩猎--如果它被允许的话。 熟悉你所在州的狩猎法律和限制是非常重要的,这样你就可以不要惹上意外的法律麻烦。

See_also: 3 MOA与6 MOA红点瞄准器:有什么区别?


虽然这取决于各州,但猎杀通常是为了吃肉的大型猎物,如鹿和熊,仅限于日出前30分钟至日落后30分钟之间的时间。 通常因为环境问题而被猎杀的小型动物,如野狼和浣熊,可以在夜间猎杀,但不是在所有地区。 无论你去哪里打猎,即使是如果不遵守规则,可能会导致罚款,暂停你的狩猎执照,甚至坐牢,这取决于你居住的地方。

  • //www.hunter-ed.com/blog/hunting-basics-hunting-seasons/
  • //properhunting.com/is-it-legal-to-hunt-at-night/ 猎鹿合法吗?
  • //www.treehugger.com/what-is-a-crepuscular-animal-4864558


特色图片来源:Kyle Glenn, Unsplash

Harry Flores

Harry Flores is a renowned writer and passionate birder who has spent countless hours exploring the world of optics and birdwatching. Growing up on the outskirts of a small town in the Pacific Northwest, Harry developed a deep fascination for the natural world, and this fascination only grew more intense as he started exploring the outdoors on his own.After completing his education, Harry began working for a wildlife conservation organization, which gave him the opportunity to travel far and wide to some of the most remote and exotic locations on the planet to study and document different bird species. It was during these travels that he discovered the art and science of optics, and he was immediately hooked.Since then, Harry has spent years studying and testing various optic equipment, including binoculars, scopes, and cameras, in order to help other birders get the most out of their experiences. His blog, dedicated to all things related to optics and birding, is a treasure trove of information that draws readers from all over the world looking to learn more about these fascinating topics.Thanks to his vast knowledge and expertise, Harry has become a respected voice in the optics and birding community, and his advice and recommendations are widely sought after by beginners and seasoned birders alike. When he's not writing or birdwatching, Harry can usually be foundtinkering with his gear or spending time with his family and pets at home.